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Edit & Reload

Edit files, and browsers are reloaded automatically.

LiveReloadX is a command line tool based on LiveReload 2.X source code. LiveReloadX is:

How does this work?


  1. Type livereloadx path/to/dir on your command line, then LiveReloadX starts:
    • watching path/to/dir
    • running as a web server on port 35729 which serves livereload.js and acts as a WebSocket server.
  2. When a browser load livereload.js, it connects to the LiveReloadX server using WebSocket.
  3. If you modify files under path/to/dir, the server tells all clients to reload by themselves.
    • When the modified file is CSS or images, the file is updated dynamically without reloading the browser.

If you’re not familliar with a command line interface, we recommend the official version of LiveReload 2 which has GUI,


  1. Download and install Node.js
  2. Run npm install -g livereloadx
  3. Choose how to embed a JavaScript snippet (see the next section for details)

Embed a JavaScript snippet

You have to embed a JavaScript snippet in HTML pages to enable live reloading.

Choose one of the following methods to embed the JavaScript snippet.

Add manually


Add the following snippet to your HTML files manually. If you use an HTML template framework, add to HTML template files.

<script>document.write('<script src="http://' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] +
':35729/livereload.js?snipver=2"></' + 'script>')</script>

Install the browser extensions


Install the browser extensions from How do I install and use the browser extensions? – LiveReload Help & Support. Safari, Chrome and Firefox on PC is supported.

Enable these extensions by clicking the LiveReload toolbar button, then the JavaScript snippet is automatically added to the current page.

Use static mode


If your site is static (not generated dynamically), this method would be useful.

In order to enable static mode, run with -s or --static option.

$ livereloadx -s [-p 35729] [path/to/dir]

In static mode, LiveReloadX works as a static web server whose document root is path/to/dir. An access to http://localhost:35729/foo/ refers to path/to/dir/foo/index.html. What’s more, LiveReloadX automatically adds the JavaScript snippet to an HTML document.

Use proxy mode


If you don’t want to edit HTML and install the browser extension and your site is dynamic, this option would be useful.

In order to enable proxy mode, run with -y or --proxy option.

$ livereloadx -y [-p 35729] [-l] [path/to/dir]

In proxy mode, LiveReloadX works as a reverse proxy server that retrieves resources from For example, an access to http://localhost:35729/foo/ are forwarded to, and then, the resources are returned to the client. What’s more, LiveReloadX automatically adds the JavaScript snippet to an HTML document.

If -l or --prefer-local flag is enabled, LiveReloadX prefers local files to remote resources. For example, when LiveReloadX get an access to http://localhost:35729/foo/, it first checks path/to/dir/foo/index.html. If it exists, LiveReloadX returns its content, otherwise, LiveReloadX retrieves the content from


$ livereloadx [-s | -y] [-l] [-p 35927]  [path/to/dir]

  Usage: livereloadx [options] [dir]


    -h, --help           output usage information
    -V, --version        output the version number
    --exclude <pattern>  exclude file matching pattern
    --include <pattern>  don't exclude file matching pattern
    -p, --port <port>    change wait port
    -l, --prefer-local   return a local file if it exists (proxy mode only)
    -s, --static         enable static server mode
    -v, --verbose        enable verbose log
    -y, --proxy <url>    enable proxy server mode
    -C, --no-liveCSS     disable liveCSS
    -I, --no-liveImg     disable liveImg```

Run as a Grunt Task

LiveReloadX also works as a Grunt task. Although grunt-contrib-watch supports LiveReload, it supports only “add manually” method and “browser extension” method. With LiveReloadX, you can use “static mode” and “proxy mode”.

How to Start

  1. Setup Grunt environment by following Getting started - Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner.
  2. Install LiveReloadX with the command npm install livereloadx --save-dev.
  3. Edit Gruntfile.js. Here is a sample.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
    livereloadx: {
      static: true,
      dir: 'public'

  grunt.registerTask('default', ['livereloadx']);

For a more complex example, see Gruntfile.js of this site

Setting Grunt Task

On the previous example, we initialized the LiveReloadX task with static and dir properties.

Here is the list of options available.

Name Type Default Detail
dir string "." Watch target directory.
port number 35729 Change wait port (static mode or proxy mode only).
filter object {...} Files to be watched. (described later)
prefer-local boolean false Return a local file if it exists (proxy mode only).
static boolean false Enable static server mode.
verbose boolean false Enable verbose log.
proxy string false enable proxy server mode. must be specified.
liveCSS boolean true Enable or disable liveCSS.
liveImg boolean true Enable or disable liveImg.

filter option

filter options should be an array of object which has type and pattern property. type property should be either 'include' or 'exclude'. pattern property is a pattern string. Filters is evaluated like an rsync.

The default rules are as follows:

  filter: [
    {type: 'exclude', pattern: '.{git,svn}/'},
    {type: 'include', pattern: '*/'},
    {type: 'include', pattern: '*.{html,shtml,tmpl,xml,css,js,json,jpeg,jpg,gif,png,ico,cgi,php,py,pl,pm,rb}'},
    {type: 'exclude', pattern: '*'}

This means:

If you specify filter option, these default rules are overwritten.


Run as normal mode (embed snippet or browser extension)

    livereloadx: {
      dir: 'public'

Run as static mode.

    livereloadx: {
      static: true,
      dir: 'public'

Run as proxy mode.

    livereloadx: {
      proxy: "",
      'prefer-local': true,
      dir: 'public'

Specify filters.

    livereloadx: {
      dir: 'public',
      filter: [
        { type: 'include', pattern: '*' }


This code is released under the MIT license.